CMU Eye Bank

CMU Eye Bank

Eye Bank Office, 12th Floor, Suchinno Building, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital
Date Monday - Friday time 08.30 - 16.30 Tel. 0-5393-6382 

Royal Speech

“…while alive We can give alms for the benefit of others. After death, alms must cease, but one thing remains that is needed for the benefit of human is the eye. Why should we cherish it and not give it to the people behind us...?"

Her Majesty Queen Regent


Figure 1 King Kanitthathiraj Department of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
visited the Eye Center Region 10 of the Thai Red Cross Society at the location of the office Chiang Mai Provincial Red Cross Society

Department of Ophthalmology Eye Bank work Faculty of Medicine Chiang Mai University began more than 30 years since the beginning of corneal transplant surgery at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. Subsequently, regional eye centers were established in all regions of Thailand. which has been established “Eye Center Region 10, Thai Red Cross Society” was established on September 30, 1997 at Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital. Chiang Mai Province It is responsible for the provision and service of the eyes. According to the area of the Red Cross Region 10 to support ophthalmologists to perform corneal transplantation for patients with disabilities in the northern areas. to be sufficient to meet the needs with an international standard method

Figure 2 Committee of Eye Center Region 10, Thai Red Cross Society
at Boonsom Martin Conference Room, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital

but due to the inclusion of the Provincial Red Cross into the region does not conform to the health zoning of the Ministry of Public Health Including various affiliated hospitals Joining the network with the eye center has the potential to provide more eye services. The Eye Center of the Thai Red Cross Society therefore resolved to cancel the eye centers across the country according to the order dated April 9, 2018. However, the main mission of the Eye Center Region 10 has been carried out. It is something that should be continued. Department of Ophthalmology Faculty of Medicine Chiang Mai University Therefore, the "Eye Bank, Department of Ophthalmology" or "CMU Eye Bank" was established to continue the original mission of the Eye Center Region 10 and coordinate with the Eye Center of the Thai Red Cross Society in accepting eye donations. supply and service eyes By proactive negotiations and collecting eyes from the deceased in the hospital. in the area of Chiang Mai Province to solve the shortage of the cornea and develop a sustainable system In addition, the eye bank There are also missions to supply other tissues such as placenta tissue, sclera tissue. in order to treat patients with various eye diseases Each year there are many surgeries with these tissues.

Vision, Mission and Main Mission

Vision : It is a center that must not forget to lead the community to become a society of giving.
Mission : Store and collect donated eyes. to give to ophthalmologists to use Sufficient surgical treatment for patients with an international standard method and is an intermediary in connecting one life with another through giving and transplantation
Main Mission :
1) To be a center for collecting and servicing eyes from deceased donors for ophthalmologists to use in the treatment of patients with cornea deformity.
2) To supply and donated eyes meet international standards. and sufficient quantity for patients with Waiting for corneal transplant surgery
3) To develop the working system of the eye bank in assessing and monitoring the treatment of both waiting and receiving patients. and those who have undergone corneal transplant surgery
4) To be the center for accepting the intention of dedicating the eyes from the pledge donor.
5) To be a center for coordinating cornea patients with disabilities to receive equal and fair treatment.
6) To be a teaching and research center to develop professional skills in ophthalmology for family doctors. and the resident physician expanding the cornea branch
7) To campaign for people in the North to have a good attitude to donate eyes to help fellow human beings.
8) To educate the public about eye diseases and how to take care of the eyes.

In what cases is corneal transplantation performed?

Corneal transplant surgery will be performed in patients with various diseases of the cornea, which may be divided into

1. The cornea is opaque and white, such as scarring or swelling of the cornea due to chemical accidents, infections, congenital corneal diseases, etc.
2. The cornea is abnormally convex. causing abnormal eyesight that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses
3.Emergency such as severe infectious disease cannot be controlled with medication or cases in which the cornea is perforating or perforating, for any reason The infected cornea needs to be cut out and replaced with a donated cornea to save the eye.
4. Made for beauty, it makes white blemishes that black eyes disappear. regardless of whether it is visible or not This method is not popular in Thailand. Because donated eyes are few. It is necessary to keep the surgery for those who have done it to make it look better only.


Where do donated eyes come from?

1. Eyes can be donated from people who have expressed their intention to dedicate their eyes to the Thai Red Cross Eye Center. which is the place to receive the eyes of the deceased donor
2. Eyes can be donated by requesting eye donations from deceased relatives. who did not express their intention to be the last charity for those who have passed away

after death The eyes begin to deteriorate and Rotting like other organs of the body, so it is necessary to keep the eyes as soon as possible, should not exceed 6-8 hours, if too slow, the eyes cannot be used. And should not be allowed to spray anti-rotting agents of corpses. before eye surgery

Eye Donor Benefits

(after death and took advantage of the eyes)

1. Arranging flowers or wreaths to pay homage to the body of the donor.
2. Honorary Membership of the Thai Red Cross Society The heirs of one eye donor will receive the right Honorary member of the Thai Red Cross Society
3. Able to request royal cremation to those who donate the eyes of the deceased and took advantage of the eyes The heirs pay their own expenses.
4. Received an honorary certificate from the Thai Red Cross Society honoring the virtue of the eye donor. (given to heirs)

Statistics of patients who booked eyes from the Eyebank and cornea transplant patients

Statistics of patients receiving and waiting for corneal transplant surgery
with Eye Bank since 1999 - 2022

Many patients are still waiting for treatment. The current situation in Thailand still faces a critical shortage of corneas for surgery. According to the corneal replacement booking statistics of the Eye Center Region 10 from 1999 to the present, there are more than 200 patients a year waiting for corneal replacement. If each year, the Eye Center Region 10 can store eyes for surgery for only 40-50 patients per year, resulting in a rather long time from receiving the queue to the surgery. As a result, patients have to wait for partial corneal transplantation to lose their eyes or become completely blind from complications before undergoing surgery.

Donating eyes is easy.

Most people assume that an eye donation must be done by a person with normal vision. Indeed, anyone can become an eye donor. even being an elderly person People with short sightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, even those who are blind from other eye diseases. But if the cornea is still clear as usual, they can be an eye donor at all. Donating eyes is easy. and does not require any physical examination

by way of eye center The Thai Red Cross Society has produced a leaflet detailing corneal transplant surgery and eye donation for distribution to those wishing to donate their eyes. Part of which is a letter of intent to donate eyes for filling in the details of the donor. and sent back to the Eye Center, Thai Red Cross Society

You can request a letter of intent. or express your intention to donate your eyes at

– Provincial Red Cross Legislative Office or Red Cross Branch offices in every province
– Eye Center, Thai Red Cross Society or your local regional eye center
– Apply through the website,
– In the northern region can be contacted at Eye Center Region 10, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital Phone number 0-5393-6382, 08-9999-6000

For the process of showing the intention to dedicate the eyes

1. Fill out the details in the form of intent to dedicate your eyes clearly. The address given should be a contactable address.
2. Tear the leaflet along the perforated mark. No envelopes and no postage stamps required. and send it to the post office
3. Once the Thai Red Cross Eye Center receives an eye dedication letter from you, the Thai Red Cross Eye Center will send an identification card to the address specified.
4. If moving address or changing any status Please inform the Eye Center of the Thai Red Cross Society.

Upon receipt of an eye donor identification card

1. Sign the name of the person who wishes to donate the eyes as evidence.
2. Enter details of who can be contacted in an emergency.
3. Carry a card with you as evidence that you are an eye donor.

When receiving an eye donation card, close relatives should be notified, namely father, mother, husband, wife, child or sibling because when the eye donor dies A close person will call the Eye Center within 6 hours of death. in order to bring the eyes to continue following the will of the deceased

Eye Care

From : Eye procurement and service handbook, Eye Center, Thai Red Cross Society

The eye is one of the five senses. Its main function is to make us see what's around us. We all have two eyes for the rest of our lives. We want to use our eyes to see well as long as possible. Therefore, eye care is very important that cannot be overlooked. Answer the following questions. will help us to be able to behave well

Guidelines for taking care of eye health

1. Have your eyes examined regularly by an ophthalmologist.
– For children, an ophthalmologist should be seen at least between the ages of 3 and 5 before entering school. and thereafter regularly in each grade level or when there is a problem with blurry vision, which may be caused by eye problems
– For the elderly over 40 years old, eye health should be checked once a year.
– In special cases that require more frequent eye examinations, such as those who suffer from physical diseases such as diabetes or have a family history of eye diseases such as glaucoma, retinal cancer, etc.
2. Should wear sunglasses regularly when out in the sun or have to use eyes in a lot of light. To prevent certain eye diseases such as glaucoma, pterygium, etc.
3. Should wear eye protection glasses (protective eye glass) when working in some occupations. or playing certain sports that are at risk of damaging the eyes
4. Eat a nutritious diet.

Why should I wear sunglasses?

At present, it is proven that sunlight, especially ultraviolet radiation, or UV rays (Ultraviolet-UV) contained in sunlight has long-term effects on the eyes. will cause damage to the tissue layers of the eye from the outer to the inner part of the eye Eye diseases caused by light damage include glaucoma, pterygium, cloudy cornea, cataracts, macular degeneration. Thailand is a tropical country. It's close to the equator and it's sunny all year round, so wear sunglasses when you leave the house, not just adults. But should also wear glasses for children.

selection of glasses

We should wear glasses not just for beauty. But because wearing the right glasses can make us have good eye health and also prevent the loss of the eyes that we love again The glasses you should wear are as follows:
1. Sunglasses
2. Eye protection glasses

Tips for choosing sunglasses

– Good glasses should block (UV-A and UV-B) at least 99-100 percent and block general light at least 75-90 percent.
– Glasses with a polarizing filter can provide sharper images. and good sun protection
– Don't choose cheap glasses. because it may be of poor quality cannot filter light
– Do not believe the nameplate attached to the glasses. If in doubt, consult a trusted optician. Some optical stores will have a machine to check the UV filter percentage. which can request a duplicate check
– Put on sunglasses and look in the mirror. If you can see your own eyes through the lens, the lens might not be strong enough to filter the light.
– If you use colored glasses, you should choose a gray, brown or green tone to be able to see colors naturally without distortion. Don't choose red or blue because they can emit dangerous wavelengths of light. can pass into the eyes
– Check the quality of the lens by holding the lens at an arm's length distance looking through the lens at a distant object. Go out in a straight line, such as a door frame, pillar, and try moving the lens through the straight line you see. Indicates that the texture of the lens is uneven, not of quality.

Eye Food

Nutrients that are valuable to the eyes It can help prevent eye disease. are as follows

1. Omega-3 fatty acids

Helps treat dry eye symptoms and cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and prevent many types of cancer Because it is the origin of two free fatty acids, EPA (EPA) and DHA (DHA), which have antioxidant effects. These substances can be obtained from certain fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. It is recommended to eat 2-3 servings of unprocessed marine fish per week (1 serving = 90 grams of meat = 1 can of small canned fish = half a cup). In addition, we can consume ALA, which is a fatty acid that the body can convert into EPA and DHA itself. ALA is found in oil extracted from cereals. Products made from soybeans, walnut kernels, pumpkin seeds, etc.

2. Lutein and Zeaxanthin

These two compounds are a group of carotenoids, orange-yellow pigments that filter UV rays in sunlight and violet-blue light. that causes degeneration in the central retina These substances are antioxidants. This may delay the onset of cataracts in the elderly. Prevent and delay Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). These substances are abundant in green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, etc., should receive 20 mg of lutein per day and C. Xanthine 6 – 10 mg per day Or it is recommended to eat at least 100 grams of green leafy vegetables a day at least every other day. In addition, egg yolks contain lutein and zeaxanthin that are well absorbed into the body. It is recommended to eat eggs (with egg yolks) 2 eggs every other day (if there are no restrictions)

3. Anti-Oxidants

– Vitamin A, a substance that helps in the functioning of the retina and plays an important role in night vision, which is found in vegetables such as cha-om, kale, acacia shoots, gourd, spinach and pumpkin.
– Vitamin B. Studies have shown that vitamins B1 and B12 may play a role in delaying cataract development. Sources that contain this vitamin are abundant, including liver, eggs, meat, and fresh milk.
– Vitamin C is known to slow down the aging of the body with its antioxidant properties. May also help slow down the onset of cataracts as well. Fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C include guava, orange, pineapple, puree and vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli.
– Vitamin E, another vitamin with antioxidant properties, is present in retinal photoreceptors and studies have shown that it may play a role in slowing cataract development, as is found in cereal oils, safflower oil, corn and soybeans.
– Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, which plays an antioxidant role and helps in night vision as well. Vitamin A is found in yellow-orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots, papaya, baby corn, asparagus, morning glory. Eating too much beta-carotene in the form of supplements in people who smoke will increase. chance of developing lung cancer

A study in the United States found that vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, and zinc were helpful in slowing progression of macular degeneration in patients with moderate to severe macular degeneration (moderate AMD). Patients with mild macular degeneration may not benefit much from taking these appropriate amounts of vitamin supplements. The ophthalmologist will evaluate Degree of macular degeneration from dilation of the retina Should not buy supplements to eat by yourself. Because there may be no benefit and there are side effects.

Interesting facts about eye donation Q&A

Ask Did the doctor collect the entire eye or only the pupil?

Reply Collect all eyeballs. Because if only the black eyes can be kept for a long time The black eye will deteriorate.


Ask After the doctor has collected the eyes Will the eyes bulge or look ugly or not?

Reply After collecting the eyes The doctor will decorate it to look normal until it is impossible to know have already collected the eyes


Ask If given eyes, will the face look dull or not ?

Reply On the contrary, the dedication of the eye is a great act of merit. Therefore, if the next life is real Charity will result in the donor being happy, prosperous, and have especially good eyesight.


Ask Dedicating eyes is against religion. Or is it a sin?

Reply Dedication of eyes after death It is a merit making that is beneficial to fellow human beings, so it shouldn't go against the provisions of any religion. or is it a sin at all


Ask Can a man's black eye be applied to a woman?

Reply Everyone's black eyes are interchangeable, regardless of gender.


Ask Congenital strabismus Will you dedicate your eyes or not?

Reply Yes, because the black eye is still good.


Ask Very short-sighted in both eyes. And wearing glasses for a long time, can you dedicate your eyes?

Reply Yes, because the black eye is still good.


Ask Diabetes, high blood pressure Blind for many years, can you dedicate your eyes?

Reply Yes, because the black eye is still good.


Ask Is it lung cancer? Will you dedicate your eyes or not?

Reply Yes, because the black eye is still good. Except terminal cancer patients that has spread to other parts of


Ask Have you ever had cataract surgery? Will you dedicate your eyes or not?

Reply Yes, because the black eye is still good.


Ask Clear blindness, will you be able to change your eyes?

Reply No, because it is not a disease of the cornea.


Ask The deceased did not devote his eyes. But relatives want it or not?

Reply Yes, please contact the Eye Center. The Thai Red Cross Society knows as soon as possible, no more than 6 hours.

Contact Us

Express your intention to donate eyes or provide information in case of a donor's death to the coordinator.
– Ms. Kanyana Tiyatham
– Mrs. Nutchanan Kritsanaseranee

Eye Bank Office, 12th Floor, Sujinno Building Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital

Telephone, 0-5393-6382, (office hours)
Mobile, 08-9999-6000, round the clock

share kindness for patients with impaired cornea You can make a donation.

Eye Bank, Thai Red Cross Society payable to savings account number 566-451015-4
Account Name: Eye Bank, Siam Commercial Bank Faculty of Medicine

Self Donation

Eye Bank Office, 12th Floor, Suchinno Building, Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital
Date Monday - Friday time 08.30 - 16.30 Tel. 0-5393-6382