Child with Eyes

Child with Eyes

by Prof. Prapassorn Phatikulsila, M.D.

People are often confused about the importance of eyeglasses in children. Some people believe If children wear eyeglasses from an early age In the future, it will not be needed. while another group believes that will cause children to wear glasses Both of which are incorrect. In fact, the need for children to wear glasses It's because they have short-sightedness, long-sightedness, or astigmatism caused by heredity. This abnormal vision will not disappear, but it will not get worse. Just because I don't wear glasses Eyeglasses or contact lenses are a lifelong necessity.  to see a clear picture..

Nearsightedness (blurred vision at a distance) usually begins to develop between 8 and 15 years of age, but may occur earlier. Farsightedness is common in children. and does not cause problems If farsightedness is not much which if so May cause near vision problems. or squint in the eye It is usually found around the age of 2 years. Almost every case will have astigmatism as well. (that is, the eyes are oval instead of spherical) Wearing glasses is often necessary when there is a significant amount of astigmatism.

Children are different from adults in that they may have a problem. called lazy eye or ambleopia This means that even if the correct eyeglasses are ordered But the child could not see as clearly as a normal child. which may be lazy on one side or both sides Lazy eye occurs when the two eyes are different. getting children to wear eyeglasses It will help prevent the eye with more abnormal vision from developing a lazy eye. Lazy eye treatment becomes more difficult as the child grows older, andIf it's over 9 years old, it may not be able to get better at all. Because the visual nervous system is already fully developed

A child or an adult whose vision in one eye is not as clear as normal caused by lazy eye or any other cause that cannot be treated well as normalShould wear glasses to protect the good eye.  Lenses used for eyeglasses for any purpose should be made of plastic And if the lens is made of polycarbonate plastic will be more secure because it has a lot of impact resistance, but is expensive