Color Blindness

Color Blindness

By Asst. Prof. Dr. Nawat Watanachai

Color blindness can be found in approximately 8% of the population, divided into 2 major groups: congenital color vision defects and acquired color vision defects, which are often found in the first group. is the group that is at birth more often than the group that is later
when considering the group that was from birth The most common subgroup was the green-red blind group. which can be found about 5-8% in men and found only 0.5% in women (men are much more common)
in the later group It is often seen as blue-yellow color blindness. and found equally in both men and women Which the number of people in this group is much less than the group that was born


การพบโรคนี้ในผู้ชายมากกว่าผู้หญิง และมักเป็นกับแบบ แดง-เขียวแทบทั้งหมด เนื่องจากว่ายีนที่ควบคุมการสร้างรงควัตถุรับสีชนิดสีแดง และสีเขียวนั้น (red-pigment gene, green-pigment gene) อยู่บนโครโมโซม X เมื่อยีนนี้ขาดตกบกพร่องไปในคนใดคนหนึ่ง ก็จะทำให้คนนั้นสามารถรับรู้สีเหล่านั้นได้ลดลงกว่าคนปกติ แน่นอนว่า ผู้หญิงมีโอกาสเป็นน้อยกว่า เนื่องจากในผู้หญิงมีโครโมโซม X ถึงสองตัว ถ้าเพียงแต่ X ตัวใดตัวหนึ่งมียีนเหล่านี้อยู่ ก็สามารถรับรู้สีได้แล้ว ในขณะที่ผู้ชายมีโครโมโซม X เพียงตัวเดียว อีกตัวเป็น Y ซึ่งไม่ได้มีแพคเกจบรรจุยีนนี้แถมมาด้วย 😉 ก็จะแสดงอาการได้เมื่อ X ตัวเดียวเท่าที่มีอยู่นั้นบกพร่องไป


How is the image visible?

When you say the word 'color blindness', many of you probably understand that People with it are unable to perceive any color at all. It's like watching the world in the atmosphere of Casablanca, Saving private Ryan or Schindler's list all the time (black and white pictures without subtitles), but in reality it's usually not like that. Colorblind people who see the world as black-and-white are very rare. and often have other visual impairment problems as well Most people with color blindness are able to perceive colors. But can distinguish less similar colors, such as people who are red-green colorblind It's difficult to distinguish between pink and yellow. but when you see red or green can be distinguished immediately, people who are blue-yellow blind Dark blue and green are more difficult to distinguish. But there is no problem when placing green against red, for example, so in almost all people with color blindness. There will be no problem distinguishing traffic signals. And there is usually no problem in general occupation. or have some very few problems Not even working at all.


What should I do?

If you have trouble distinguishing the colors of certain objects or know that there are parents who have this problem and want to check Or the workplace needs to check the state of color vision before accepting to work. You can consult an ophthalmologist.