by Prof. Prapassorn Phatikulsila, M.D.

Our home is a country in the region that receives quite a lot of sunlight. which contains ultraviolet light Is a factor that causes glaucoma, pterygium, so often found in these patients Pterygium is a lump that protrudes into the cornea. which is the clear part in front of the eyeball may be small or grow up until it covers the center of the black eye can dim the eyes Most often, pterygium occurs in the inner corner of the eye. But sometimes it can also occur in the corners of the eyes. The exact cause is not fully understood. but found that those who work outside the home Exposure to a large amount of sunlight can lead to more pterygium. In addition, living in an environment with dry air and a lot of dust. It can also be the cause.

When the pterygium is inflamed, red, causing eye irritation. Eye drops or ointments may be used to reduce inflammation. and if the pterygium is large grow so fast that it may obscure vision It can be surgically peeled off.

Although the doctor has successfully removed the pterygium But there is a chance that it will happen again. especially in young people We can prevent recurrence by wearing sunglasses. Stay away from dusty, windy areas, and artificial tears may help.

The lumbar lump looks like a sheet or a bulge. in the sclera It is often found in the inner corner of the eye rather than the outer eye. Glaucoma is not a tumor. but a change in normal tissue with the accumulation of protein and fat Unlike pterygium, pterygium does not spread to the pupil. But it is caused by eye irritation or exposure to sunlight for a long time.

If the wind is not inflamed It doesn't need treatment. because the wind will not spread into the black eye or make your eyes dim very few cases that will cause a lot of annoyance May consider surgical removal. But there may be scars that are not as noticeable as the initial appearance of the wind.