by Prof. Prapassorn Phatikulsila, M.D.

“Doctor, will my child have lazy eyes?” This is a question that ophthalmologists hear often from modern mothers. So what is lazy eye?

 Lazy eye is a condition in which the level of vision is abnormal. Without having to have any serious disease on the eyeball It begins to occur with small children, younger than 6-7 years old, which is the age when the visual nervous system is not fully developed.
 What are the causes of lazy eye?
 There are many reasons together. may be divided as follows:
1. Strabismus, a condition in which the lines of vision of the two eyes are not parallel and cause double vision (One object is seen in two images.) But the child's brain will have to adapt to eliminate double images. by creating a blind spot to obscure the image of the eye So the child used his good eye to look at only one eye. As a result, the squint eye does not work. and finally lazy
2. Visual abnormalities, including short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism. which is a condition in which light cannot concentrate a clear image on the retina The child cannot see clearly. the brain will remember This is the clearest picture ever. and remember this forever If not corrected at a young age Lazy eye, which can be one eye or both eyes
3. Conditions in which both eyes are very different such as having very long or very short sightedness in one eye Children will choose to use only the good eye. As a result, the other eye is lazy. In this group of children, parents often do not know that their child has a visual abnormality. because there is no strabismus to be noticed and the behavior of looking is like a normal child because the child uses the good eye to see Only when trying to close the good eye or have a doctor or nurse go to check at the school therefore knowing that one eye is lazy
4. Any condition that blocks the path of light to stimulate the retina, such as cloudy cornea, cataracts, intraocular hemorrhage, etc. If these conditions occur at the age of less than 6-7 years, it will cause that eye. can be lazy And if not received the correct treatment in a timely manner. and continuous The child will have a lazy eye condition forever. sometimes even fully healed was unable to restore vision to normal levels Lazy eye caused by these causes the most difficult to treat

5. Covering one eye, for example, a child with one eye together with lazy eye The doctor will recommend closing the good eye to encourage the child to use the other eye. and make appointments for periodic examinations as appropriate however If the eyes are closed for too long without checking the level of vision in the closed eye as scheduled by the doctor It can cause lazy eye with the good eye.

When a child has a lazy eye condition can be treated better however It also requires the full cooperation of parents and children themselves. The doctor will help diagnose follow up treatment And give advice on how to treat for parents to have understanding since the beginning of treatment highly committed family and cooperate in strictly following the doctor's advice The treatment results are usually good.

 Another treatment response and treatment outcome It also depends on the age at which treatment was started. The more you start treating lazy eye at a young age the more chances of getting better results If you come to see a doctor when you are old Treatment results may not be very good.
How to treat lazy eye Depending on the overall cause, the treatment may be divided as follows.
1. Wearing eyeglasses In case of abnormal eyesight which makes it unclear Children need to wear eyeglasses throughout their waking hours and daytime activities.
2. Close the good eye Used for patients with unilateral amblyopia and still lazy even after wearing eyeglasses
3. Eye muscle surgery It is used for lazy-eyed children who have strabismus as well. However, the treatment must be satisfactory by covering the good eye. and the child can wear eyeglasses satisfactorily

 However The doctor must examine and diagnose thoroughly. and determine the most appropriate treatment for a particular child. There is no one form of treatment that works for all children.

You will see that lazy eye can be treated without much difficulty. It is a very worthwhile investment. because children still have to live a long time If the level of vision is normal have straight eyes and can use both eyes together It will make the development of other aspects of the body as normal. Not a burden on society make children's learning As good as a normal child and strengthen confidence in socializing Increase the chances of getting a good job position Resulting in a higher family economy taken for treatment from the youngest age when abnormalities were noticed Strictly cooperate in conduct and follow up on continuous treatment