By Prof. Thidarat Leeangkurasathien


What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma (Glaucoma) is A type of eye disease in which the outflow of vitreous in the eyeball is less than normal. This causes intraocular pressure to increase until it presses down on the optic nerve (Optic disc), resulting in visual field abnormalities until finally blindness.

How important is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. 2after cataracts But glaucoma causes permanent blindness. It cannot be treated to return vision like cataracts.


What are the causes of glaucoma?

At present, the exact cause of the disease is still unknown, but found a group that is at risk These are the elderly, those with relatives who have glaucoma. Those who have intraocular pressure higher than the norm

In addition, among patients with diabetes. Cardiovascular disease that impairs blood flow to the optic nerve People who are very short-sighted or long-sighted It was found that there was an increased risk of developing glaucoma.


What are the symptoms of glaucoma?

Most patients are chronic glaucoma In the early stages of the disease, there will be no obvious symptoms, i.e. no pain. No blurry eyes or red eyes If the patient has amblyopia and visual field abnormalities such as dark bands occurring in the field of vision or narrowed vision Shows that glaucoma is in the late stages.

Another type of glaucoma is acute glaucoma which will have obvious symptoms, namely severe eye pain that cannot be alleviated with painkillers, blurry eyes, red eyes, seeing rainbow colors around lights together with a headache nausea and vomiting

Glaucoma can be anatomically classified by the angle of the eye, the area where the vitreous fluid drains from the eye.The angle of the eye is open and the angle of the eye is closed or narrow. If the patient has a closed or narrow eye angle, there is a risk that the vitreous fluid cannot drain from the eye suddenly. can cause acute glaucoma and have the above symptoms open angle glaucoma It was found that vitreous fluid drained from the corner of the eye less than normal.

How is glaucoma treated?

Glaucoma cannot be cured. The only treatment is to stop and slow the disease from progressing to further vision loss.

The main treatment for glaucoma is to lower intraocular pressure. by instillation and/or taking medication Laser treatment and surgery, depending on the type and stage of glaucoma.


Can glaucoma be prevented?  

Glaucoma cannot be prevented. But it can prevent permanent blindness. If the disease has been diagnosed and treated continuously since the beginning. Therefore, the intraocular pressure was measured. optic nerve examination and other eye health checkups from an ophthalmologist regularly is extremely important.


When should you get an eye exam from an ophthalmologist?

The general public should have an eye examination from an ophthalmologist at least once a year, especially in high-risk groups as follows:

  • Age >40 years
  • have relatives with glaucoma
  • Have had a serious accident in the eye and nearby areas
  • Have had inflammation within the eyeball before
  • Cardiovascular patients
  • Diabetic patients with very nearsightedness or farsightedness