Easy Peer review management by Publons

What’s Publons ?

Publons is a website and free service operating by a limited liability company registered in New Zealand and United Kingdom. It was founded in 2012 by Andrew Preston and Daniel Johnson to increase the efficiency of peer-reviewing practices and upgrade the academic research publishing through Communication, Collaboration and Contribution from peer reviewer around the world.

Why Publons ?

  • Smoothly and systematically track your reviewing and editorial contributions to research (Build out your profile as an expert reviewer) with the function “Add & Verify Review by Email”.
  • Effortlessly track peer review across the world's top journals.
  • A way to communicate and establish your connections with Over 100,000 expert reviewers from around the world.
  • A source for editor to swiftly find the best reviewers in your field.
  • It is free!

How can I use Publons ?

Publons is easy to use. After registration, You can sign in and explore the options as follow:

  • add pre-publication peer review
  • add a post-publication review
  • add & Verify Review by Email
  • verified peer review record

Go to publons.com
For more information.
Cr: Thanks to ศ.นพ.มานิต ศรีสุรภานนท์ for recommending PubLons service.




Medical Library

Faculty of Medicine CMU.

Open Hours

Mon.-Fri. 8.30 a.m.-8.30 p.m.

Sat.-Sun. and Public Holidays 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m.

Closed only New Year Festival and Songkran Festival.

110 Inthawarorot Rd. Sriphum, Muang Chiang Mai 50200

   +66 53 935201-6      medical.library@cmu.ac.th